Despite the global exponential growth of solar power, challenges currently loom large — from soaring debt costs to dwindling capture prices and escalating curtailment rates. These hurdles threaten to impede deployment growth in the urgent race to triple renewables installation by 2030. The pressure for innovative solutions and rapid action is high, and financing is key. Our session will therefore convene investors, developers and financing institutions to analyze key issues and explore new perspectives on solar finance, with the aim of driving the realization of a sustainable and prosperous future through advanced solar initiatives. Topics will include:
1. Assessing financing conditions for solar power plants
2. Analyzing the impact of policy shifts on PV project financing
3. Strategizing to enhance solar project financing
This panel discussion is organized by the Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft (BSW-Solar) in cooperation with the Women Energize Women (WEW) initiative.
Women Energize Women (#womenenergize) is a campaign for the global empowerment of women in the energy sector by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). It is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) within the scope of BMWK's global project Bilateral Climate and Energy Partnerships and Dialogues. (