Ignacio Asenjo

Job Title
Policy Officer
European Commission

Ignacio Asenjo is policy officer in the renewable energy and system integration unit in the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission. He follows, among other files, solar energy, power purchase agreements, electricity grids or flexibility. In previous positions with the European Commission, he dealt with energy infrastructure and international relations, including postings in Beijing and Brasilia. He holds a political sciences degree from Sciences-Po Paris and a College of Europe Masters.

June 18, 2024Results of EU Call for Evidence and Agri-PV Potenbal in Europe

June 19, 2024Panel Discussion

Agricultural PV: How to Tap into Europe's Huge Potential for Solar Power in Agriculture

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 04:30 pm - 06:00 pm

ICM München Room 14 C

Several European countries have implemented their first agricultural PV projects and policymakers are starting to recognize the benefits of this technology. Governments have been adopting regulatory frameworks that enable both food and power production. Agricultural PV has positive effects on biodiversity and nature, as well as revenues. But is the business case for agricultural PV really compelling enough for farmers to adopt it at a large scale? This session will discuss: Latest projects and regulatory changes in various European agricultural PV markets Business models integrating ‘Nature Based Solutions' From pilot projects to utility-scale agricultural PV power plants Why biodiversity is turning into a hot topic in agricultural PV Fireside chat: How to convince food farmers to adopt solar farming

Corporate Power Procurement & PPAs: Lessons Learned about Powering Corporates using PPAs

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 09:00 am - 10:30 am

ICM München Room 14 A

Corporate renewable PPAs have become a strong pillar of the European solar market, growing by over 40% in 2023. The major share in this segment was solar power, with over 16 GW of contracted volume. The new EU Electricity Market Design Directive supports this trend by requiring member states to remove all barriers to the development of PPAs and to design incentives, including government-backed guarantees.The session will discuss: The PPA market today and tomorrow Overview of PPA products & background Corporate PPA case studies Legislative changes effecting solar PPAs

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