Dr. Peter Fath

Job Title
RCT Solutions GmbH

Dr Peter Fath is a worldwide known renewable energy visionary. Starting from the early days of renewable and solar industry, he took the lead on the green energy transition with groundbreaking establishments, semi-conductor developments and integrated solar manufacturing facilities from polysilicon production to the end product - solar modules.

Currently, he is the CEO of RCT Solutions GmbH - which works closely with investors, governments, and factories globally to establish solar manufacturing facilities by providing extensive owner's engineering services.

He is also the Chairman of the Solar Equipment Machine Maker Group at the German Engineering Federation - VDMA (Verbandes Deutsche Maschinenbau Anlagen). Dr. Fath has held senior positions with multiple leading equipment managers, including Rena GmbH and centrotherm, and actively holds lectures on the topic of manufacturing technology in the photovoltaic industry at leading institutes including the University of Stuttgart and University of Applied Science, Ravensburg. He is also founder and director of solar research center ISC Konstanz, executive board member of European Solar Manufacturing Council - ESMC, one of the founding signatories of the The European Solar PV Industry Alliance.

As a pioneer in the sector, he and his team shaped the solar industry, executing vertical and horizontal solar manufacturing facilities around the globe and helping the world to reach zero emissions targets.

Dr Peter Fath has more than 200 publications, 15 patents, is board member of the world's most well-known associations such as the German Machine Maker Association, ISC International Solar Research Institute, and the European Solar Manufacturing Council. He is one oft he founding members of the European Solar PV Industry Alliance commissioned by European Union.

Dr Peter Fath holds a PhD in Semiconductor Physics from the University of Konstanz. He studied Chemistry and Physics at the University of Heidelberg, Konstanz, IMEC in Leuven, and the IMT in Neuchatel. He speaks 3 languages, German, English and French. Since 2012, he is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten.

June 18, 2024PV Manufacturing in Europe: Discussing Ways to Realize Competitive Local Production

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