David Wedepohl

Job Title
Managing Director International Affairs
BSW - German Solar Association

David Wedepohl, Managing Director International Affairs David Wedepohl is a radio journalist by training who studied and worked on both sides of the Atlantic. He holds a master's degree in Journalism and Public Affairs which he achieved as a Fulbright scholar. His professional experience included working for the German embassy in Washington, DC as a senior press and public diplomacy officer. He first came in touch with the solar industry while working for an American consulting company before taking up his job as director communications and markets at the German Solar Association, also serving as the organization's spokesperson. He now holds the position of managing director international affairs and is responsible for the association's international activities.

June 18, 2024Welcome and German Solar Market Update

June 19, 2024Panel Discussion

Off-Grid: Pioneering 100% Renewables: Opportunities and Challenges of Off-Grid in Island and Remote Environments

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 04:00 pm - 05:30 pm

ICM München Room 14 C

Small islands and remote areas contend with heightened costs in energy and its access, water, and waste, exacerbated by climate change. Scaling renewables, creating decentralized smart grids, and integrating storage solutions emerge as pivotal strategies to bolster resilience and spur socio-economic development. Islands and remote areas, serving as testbeds, exemplify the feasibility of decarbonization. This panel discussion provides a platform to delve into these specific insights from islands and remote areas, shedding light on the transformative role of renewables in empowering communities, accelerating transitions, and serving as models for sustainable development.

Leading European PV Markets I: Deep Dive Germany - Understanding the Continent's Most Ambitious Solar Market

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 02:30 pm - 04:00 pm

ICM München Room 14 A

The German solar market has always played an outstanding role in the development of PV in Europe. The country has almost continually been the EU's largest market and operated nearly one third of the EU's solar power installations. But can the market grow fast enough and install more than 20 GW per year? This will be necessary to meet its ambitious target of 215 GW of solar capacity by 2030.This session will take a close look at: Status of solar power in Germany today Strategy for meeting the country's ambitious installation targets Analysis of different market segments - residential, C&I and utility-scale The German PV and Battery Storage Market

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