David Daßler

Job Title
Team Leader for PV System Assessment & Diagnostics
Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics CSP

David Daßler received his M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics from the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig).
Since 2012, he has been working at Fraunhofer CSP in the field of reliability and energy yield assessment of solar modules and systems.

2015 - 2021: Scientist with a focus on energy yield evaluation and modelling with a special interest in Big Data, machine learning and statistics.
2021 - today: Head of team "PV System Assessment & Diagnostics"

His main area of research is the application of mathematics in the field of photovoltaics, the requirements for data quality of monitoring data, the detectability of defects as well as risk minimisation within portfolio analysis.

June 18, 2024Panel Discussion

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