February 04, 2020 - In order to avoid a shortfall in electricity generation as a result of the nuclear and coal phaseout, photovoltaic and storage capacities must be expanded at a far greater pace. By the year 2030, this would enable the creation of over 50,000 new jobs in Germany.
Tripling of the number of employees by 2030
According to the study, the number of jobs in the domestic photovoltaic and storage industries could increase from today’s level of 26,400 to 78,000 by the year 2030. Industry revenue would grow from five to 12.5 billion euros in the coming decade. Job growth would take place for the most part in the fields of planning, installation, operations and maintenance of PV systems.
The largest employment rate in the German PV industry can be registered in the area of system installation. There are currently 14,000 people employed here. Significant employment growth is expected up to 2025. Up to 43,000 full-time employees are to be employed here by 2030.
In the area of maintenance alone, employment numbers would increase from 9,200 to 26,000 in the year 2030. Addition potential could be opened up by tapping into the market potential of medium- to long-term storage systems