Two public schools in the Australian Capital Territory will be fitted with 40kW energy storage systems to reduce energy costs and grid electricity demand.
The energy will be generated from onsite rooftop solar generation and. With costs of approximately $100,000 for the installation, the ACT Government invests heavily in their goal of zero-net emissions by 2045. The project will provide further data on school’s energy needs as well as a local economic stimulus.
"The government, through school education, has led change towards more environmentally sustainable buildings. Every new school will be built with attention given to sustainability with Canberra's second carbon neutral school well under way in Molonglo to be ready for students at the start of 2021,” says Yvette Berry, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development.
Solar panels have been installed on all public schools in the last years, together with other upgrading measures such as replacing gas boilers with electric heaters. The ACT Government commits to reducing a great part of carbon emissions for the community.
Source: ACT Government |
Image: Pixabay |
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