Bremer & Leguil GmbH




This supplier is exhibiting at Intersolar Europe.

Product Groups
  • Operation and maintenance of solar power installations (e.g. drones, cleaning robots, software)
Contact Information
+49 203 99 23 0
Bremer & Leguil GmbH
Am Burgacker 30 - 42
47051 Duisburg, Germany

Individual company presentation

Bremer & Leguil, the specialist for cleaners, lubricants and corrosion protection, presents its new photovoltaic cleaner at its first appearance at the intersolar Europe.

Your expert for lubricants, cleaners, and corrosion protection

Quality, safety, innovation and comprehensive advice – that is what Bremer & Leguil stands for. We support companies from numerous industrial and utility sectors with our extensive range of high quality lubricating oils, fully synthetic lubricating greases, special cleaners, many of which are NSF-registered. A comprehensive consulting and distribution network as well as the ongoing development of our products assure optimal support and provide state of the art services.

Rivolta P.H.C. Photovoltaic cleaner
Biodegradable, excellent cleaning power & proofed material compatibility

The new Rivolta P.H.C. Photovoltaic cleaner is specially designed for cleaning the components of solar modules. The high-yield concentrate is characterized by its excellent cleaning effect and can accelerate the cleaning process. The resoiling is reduced, the power output and thus the efficiency of the plant can be improved. The basic prerequisite for the development of Rivolta P.H.C. was the safety for users and nature. In addition, we wanted our new cleaner to be safe for the whole lifecycle of a PV plant. As the only supplier to date, we have had our product tested by the Fraunhofer CSP Institute for material compatibility with PV module components.

Watch our latest video on YouTube: Cleaning of photovoltaic modules with Rivolta P.H.C.
An exemplary cleaning of a rooftop full of PV-modules with robots and brushes.

Convincing in practice
Extensive testing with ONESOLAR and sun-x

Together with specialists Pascal Liebold (sun-x) and Christoph Haas (ONESOLAR) we tested our new photovoltaic cleaner in different mixing ratios using a high end cleaning robot from sunbotics. The cleaner showed its impressive cleaning power and convinced with its performance and economic efficiency.

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Floorplan Booth


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