B.P. Metalmeccanica S.R.L.




This supplier is exhibiting at Intersolar Europe.

Product Groups
  • Solar cells
  • Mounting systems, installation aids
  • Automation technology
  • Manufacturing machinery and equipment
  • Operation and maintenance of solar power installations (e.g. drones, cleaning robots, software)
Contact Information
+39 075 9149319
B.P. Metalmeccanica S.R.L.
Via Giuseppe Costantini 30
06022 Fossato Di Vico (PG), Italy

Individual company presentation

BP Metalmeccanica is an Italian leading company in the supply of machines for cleaning grounded solar modules. We create our Solar Cleaners from a decades-long passion for renewable energy and as such we are able to adapt them to all the needs of our customers, who find in us a reliable, flexible and competent partner.
Our solutions for PV cleaning are present in over 20 countries around the world and certified by the most important panel manufacturers

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Floorplan Booth


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