PV in Small-Scale Industry and Commerce: Self-Consumption and Energy Storage ( in German)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

03:30 pm - 06:30 pm
Messe München
Hall A3, Booth A3.150

PV self-consumption combined with batteries offers previously untapped potential in the commercial and small-scale industrial sectors. Since consumption in these areas is up to 95 % predictable and consumption peaks occur during the day, it is possible to achieve average self-consumption rates of 97 %. This session will discuss the regulatory framework and business models for the small-scale industrial and commercial sectors in Germany and France, as well as future market developments and opportunities. This Franco-German discussion will analyze the direction in which the battery market is developing. It also examines the challenges and opportunities facing small-scale industry and commerce.

This session will be simultaneously translated into German and French. The event will be followed by a get-together for discussion and networking.

03:30 pm - 03:35 pmWelcome

Sven Rösner, Managing Director, Deutsch-Französisches Büro für die Energiewende (DFBEW)

03:35 pm - 03:50 pmRegulatory Framework and Business Models in the Service Sector and Small-Scale Industry in Germany

Dr. Christian Ertel, Lawyer for Energy Law, Regulation, Climate Change & Sustainability, Taylor Wessing

03:50 pm - 04:05 pmRegulatory Framework and Business Models in the Service Sector and Small-Scale Industry in France

Claire Bretheau, Lawyer, Ravetto Associés

04:05 pm - 04:10 pmQuestions

04:10 pm - 04:25 pmTechnical Developments on the Battery Market

Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Head of Department, Institut für Energieerzeugung und Speichersysteme, RWTH Aachen

04:25 pm - 04:40 pmBattery Operation and Photovoltaic Projects for Industrial Companies

Rebekka Schuster, Sales Manager, EDF Renewables Storage Deutschland

04:40 pm - 04:45 pmQuestions

04:45 pm - 05:30 pmPanel discussion:What Are the Limitations, Challenges and Opportunities in the Market for PV Systems with Storage in the Service Sector and Small-Scale Industry?

Yassine El Baz, Policy Officer in the Connection and Smart Grids Department, French Energy Regulatory Authority (CRE)
Bertrand Moulaire, Sales Manager, Fronius Frankreich
- Eric Quiring, Director Global Public Affairs, SMA Solar Technology

Marie-Theres Husken, Deputy Head of Economics, Energy & Sustainability Officer, Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW)

05:30 pm - 06:30 pmEnd of the Side Event and Get-Together

Further Content
Philippe Macé, Partner and COO at Becquerel Institute
BIPV: Solar Cells in the Roof – More Than Just a Niche?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 192 | Language: English

September 26, 2024

We speak with Philippe Macé about building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)

Conferences & Green Hydrogen Forum
Call for Abstracts

Deadline: December 6, 2024

Share your expertise and present at the conferences or exhibition forums of The smarter E Europe! The Call for Abstracts Center is open until December 6, 2024.

Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright
What's Next for the Future of Silicon Solar Cells?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 195 | Language: English

Oktober 17, 2024

We speak with Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright about the latest advances in silicon solar cells, innovations and market trends

Agricultural PV: Combining Photovoltaics and Agriculture

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 11:45 am - 12:40 pm

Messe München Hall A3, Booth A3.150

Agricultural PV is on the rise - in many European countries, this application, which combines agriculture and PV on the same piece of land, is on the verge of a market breakthrough. The beneficial effects of PV systems on many types of crops as well as dual land use and protecting agricultural activity by avoiding competition for land are some clear advantages. In this session, pioneering agricultural PV companies will present their projects and best practices, demonstrate the profitability of agricultural PV and the benefits of this combination for agriculture and power generation.

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