Recent News
Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright
What's Next for the Future of Silicon Solar Cells?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 195 | Language: English

Oktober 17, 2024

We speak with Sebastian Bonilla and Matthew Wright about the latest advances in silicon solar cells, innovations and market trends

Experte Interview
“Just One Piece of the Puzzle Left to Solve”

October 15, 2024

Interview with Aurore Lantrain from EPEX SPOT about local flexibility as a key solution to grid congestion

Markt Trend
Hybrid Power Plants: renewables combined with BESS

October 8, 2024

Philippe Macé, Partner and COO at Becquerel Institute
BIPV: Solar Cells in the Roof – More Than Just a Niche?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 192 | Language: English

September 26, 2024

We speak with Philippe Macé about building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)

Expert Interview
Photovoltaics on Commercial Buildings: For Businesses With High Electricity Consumption, PV Systems Pay Off Within Three Years

September 24, 2024

Dr. Dirk Haft from IBC SOLAR speaks about photovoltaics on commercial buildings

Industry News
Photovoltaics Recycling Rate up to 99 Percent Possible

September 23, 2024

Expert Interview
Revamping and Repowering: Huge Potential in Photovoltaics

August 30, 2024

Tomaso Charlemont from BayWa r.e. speaks about the potential of Revamping and Repowering for existing solar assets

Industry News
"The Numbers are Dizzying”

August 16, 2024

Market Surveys Prove Tremendous Growth of Renewables

July 29, 2024

Expert Interview
“Without a Majority There’s no Speed”

July 23, 2024

Press Release
Solar and Storage: Latest Market Surveys Show Dynamic Growth

July 11, 2024

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