


This supplier is exhibiting at Intersolar Europe.

Joint Booth / Special Area

Start-ups@The smarter E Europe Pavilion

Product Groups
  • Weather and performance/Yield forecasts & grid integration of renewable energy systems
  • Software for analysing and simulating energy systems
  • Engineering services
  • Consulting
  • PV monitoring, measuring and control technologies
Contact Information
Dieding 1
85560 Ebersberg, Germany

Individual company presentation

Project developers of large-scale PV projects need to deliver world-class performance and reliability to their investors. PVRADAR is a software platform for transparent assessment of soiling and snow related performance losses, optimization of cleaning strategies and modeling of economic scenarios. We believe the solar industry needs to achieve world class reliability: Underperformance could hold the sector back, at the very time when it needs to accelerate. This is why PVRADAR gives project developers the tools to quantify lifetime risks and find cost-optimal solutions starting on the first day of development: assess soiling losses based on satellite data, select a cost-optimal cleaning strategy from dozens of alternatives in our database, simulate bifacial gain improvements from the use of albedo enhancing materials. PVRADAR's team brings together PV engineer, with industry experience and software developers.

Avoid underperformance with accurate loss factors

  • Predict site-specific monthly soiling and snow loss factors (P50, P90 and P99) from historic meteorological data.
  • No need for costly measurement campaigns - rely on satellite and meteo-station data.
  • Avoid overestimating losses to remain competitive in bidding and prevent underestimations to ensure successful investments.
  • Impress investors with detailed risk assessment reports and well documented justification.

Reduce the total cost of cleaning by 25%

  • Compare all possible options: tractor plus brush, semi and fully-autonomous cleaning robots, dry and wet.
  • Decide whether you should buy, rent or contract a cleaning service.
  • Calculate the effect of cleaning on monthly average soiling loss factors used in the yield estimation.
  • Decide how often and when to clean based on site specific historic precipitation patterns.
  • Understand the potential benefit of investing into a soiling measurement system and adapting the cleaning strategy during operation.

Calculate benefits of albedo enhancers

  • Albedo enhancers are sheets of white material that increase the amount of light received by the rear side of bifacial modules.
  • Calculate the potential benefit of albedo enhancers for your exact project location and system design.
  • Compare solutions based on their albedo value, cost, and location beneath modules and between rows.
  • Understand the effects of degradation, soiling, and clipping for the most accurate results.
  • Use as little material as possible to avoid cost and place it where it has the biggest impact on production.

Build internal tools 10x faster

  • Define your own soiling and snow loss models and calculate losses based on 20 years of historic data for the concentration of airborne particles and snow fall.
  • Share your in-house models within your organization without having to disclose any confidential information to us.
  • Make use of the PVRADAR platform to visualize results, give (restricted) access to colleagues and generate reports.

The exhibitor mentioned above is responsible for the content published in the "individual company presentation" section.

Floorplan Booth


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