Milk the Sun GmbH




This supplier is exhibiting at Intersolar Europe.

Product Groups
  • Roof-mounted PV systems for commercial and industrial applications
  • Free-standing PV installations
Contact Information
Milk the Sun GmbH
Kressengartenstr. 10
90402 Nürnberg, Germany

Individual company presentation

About Milk the Sun GmbH

Since its founding in 2012, Milk the Sun has grown to become the world's No. 1 marketplace for commercial photovoltaic systems. As a leading brokerage platform for investments in lucrative photovoltaic projects, we connect sellers and investors. Our focus is on new and existing PV installations, as well as project rights in Germany.

Thanks to our continuously growing customer base, sellers benefit from the widest possible reach through our platform. Buyers, on the other hand, gain access to a broad selection of new PV systems, existing installations, and project rights. With the smart filters of our digital marketplace, the right market participants can easily and efficiently connect.

This efficiency in searching and matching is best reflected in the total transaction volume facilitated through our platform, which surpassed the one-billion-euro mark just 11 years after our founding.

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