Bruce Douglas

Global Renewables Alliance

- Mission: Electrify everything (that can be electrified) with clean and renewable energy.
- Bruce Douglas has 25 years' international experience in the promotion of renewable energy and electrification.
- He is currently CEO of the Global Renewables Alliance, the single voice for the international renewable energy industry, representing wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, storage and green hydrogen.
- Previously he has held the following positions: Director of Communications and Business at Eurelectric, Deputy CEO of SolarPower Europe, Coordinator of the RE-Source Platform - the European alliance for corporate sourcing of renewable energy, founding Chairman of the Global Solar Council (GSC), Chief Operating Officer at WindEurope for 10 years, founding Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Managing Director of FLiDAR, an offshore wind company.
- He has a Master degree in renewable energy systems technology and is fluent in English and French.

18. Juni 2024Panel Discussion

19. Juni 2024Welcome and Introduction

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